"The EHS is the annual international meeting for surgeons with a special interest in abdominal wall surgery. It is not just a European event, this congress has become one of the most important meetings for surgeons who are passionate about this specialty of surgery throughout the world.
As a company we are sure that you have wondered many times what is the point of being present in one congress after another investing money and time in a booth or a symposium, especially when surgeons already know your products. We believe that it is important to have a much broader vision of this concept, because what happens in these events goes beyond all we can reach to imagine.
The first reason to believe in attending the EHS congress is that we have the wrong idea that all surgeons who attend the meeting know all the alternatives that exist in the market, being this thought very far from reality. Even it could be obvious to you and us, many attendees identify in the exhibition area new frontiers for themselves in the world of abdominal wall, identifying new products and new alternative to their daily work, having an impact in their practice. On the other hand, young generations of surgeons and rising starts in abdominal wall surgery also attend the meetings being for you the time to get to know them and for them the time to explore the market, having for sure and impact on the trend in their hospital in selection of meshes and instruments.
In addition, the company-surgeon relationship during congresses is different. It is more relaxed and productive than how we do it in our hospitals where we are under the pressure of daily work, being more effective the conversation that we are able to have together under this atmosphere.
Thirdly, it is increasingly common to find non-surgeon attendees at these congresses. Basic researchers looking for all the options that exist in the market I order to understand the new trends in this surgery and alternatives to what they see in their hospitals. In addition, engineers have also started attending our conferences in order to get close to the market first hand since they do not have commercial contact with the different companies. Finally, opportunities arise with entrepreneurs who come with ideas, prototypes and different visions that can enrich your company.
Finally, the fundamental reason to attend this event is networking. It is impressive how much knowledge and ideas are shared in the exhibition area and the number of projects that arise in these conversations. Companies and other surgeons have the chance to interact among them to mature ideas and collaborate on future projects.
For all this and much more, we believe it is essential to attend EHS 2024 with your company!!"

"For me, the EHS Congress is one of the most important events of the year. Professionally, one can meet internationally renowned experts and get informed about the latest developments in the field of hernia surgery. Furthermore, the EHS Congresses take place in a friendly atmosphere in the most beautiful cities in Europe."

"When I think about the benefits of attending the EHS conference, the following points come to mind:
- Presentation of our company, our products and our product philosophy.
- Exchange with experienced users and potentially new users about
a) The usability, safety and performance of our products
b) Possible input on new products or product refinement
- Update on all topics related to hernia surgery (trends in surgical techniques, guidelines, study results)
- Networking with users, distributors, the scientific society and competitors
- Introducing our HCP training platform LiSTO.academy"

"For me personally, EHS annual conference is a unique place for knowledge and idea-sharing in the hernia treatment: from new ideas, through practical experience, up to improvements in the latest guidelines. I have the opportunity to listen to the most famous speakers in the field of herniology. Annual meeting gives me the chance to get acquainted with the latest worldwide trends in hernia surgery, including types and producers of meshes, laparoscopic equipment and even robotic systems. It indicates the vector of forward
movement of routine everyday treatment of patients with hernias for me personally and for many surgeons of different hospitals all over my country. I had opportunity to visit pre-conference cadaveric course Hernia compact, which I consider to be crucial on the clinical practice improvement and understanding of hernia surgery especially for young surgeons. Today due to war we have no opportunity to visit EHS annual meetings and pre-courses."

"The EHS congress is always a perfect opportunity to learn about current hernia science, practice variation in different countries, and guidelines. And all with the best people around- other hernia surgeons."
"The EHS Annual International Congress is truly one of the most effective worldwide gatherings of hernia and abdominal wall surgeons. The level of science presented and respectful exchange of information is unparalleled. The EHS has always ensured representation from European, Asian, and U.S. surgeons which has always impressed me. This represents a true effort at international collaboration."

"In my opinion, the EHS annual conference is a great opportunity for knowing what are the last innovations and novelties in abdominal wall surgery, meeting with great experts and have a very good time simultaneously."
"I think that EHS ANNUAL conference is a Great opportunity for all surgeons, but in particular for young people as me, to attend to high quality talks, that are useful for learn a lot from surgeons with a lot of experience. As plus at all of this, there is a lot of time for ask questions and meet that all people who wrote interesting papers and leads innovative trials to try to increase my knowledge on hernia surgery. When I came back at home from an EHS Congress I am always full of energy and my mind is plenty of thoughts and ideas that I want to explore! Industries are an important chapter of the conference because are always on the “surgeon’s side” and they can close the gap between the research and the clinical reality."
"The annual EHS conference is considered the most prestigious event in the world in the hernia academic calendar. It is a jigsaw which is completed by; The EHS board, the conference organisers, an exciting academic program, the learned faculty, the corporate sponsors, and most of all the delegates. It is always a pleasure to see so many delegates across the board with both experience and youth participating.
The EHS has always had a strong bond and positive relationship with corporate sponsors (industry). Not only does industry provide support for the annual conference, it also aids in the development of future surgeons by providing educational seminars. The EHS and the sponsors have a symbiotic relationship which is key to the success of any conference. It is envisaged that each year the sponsors will play an increased role in the annual conference bringing a positive influence to create a vision for the future of hernia surgery. It is through this vision industry will share in the success of the annual EHS conference."

"We are delighted to have to many industry partners. They listen to our needs and help with medical innovation to improve patient care."
"Attending the European Hernia Society annual meeting provides allows me to learn about the latest advances in hernia Diagnosis and Treatment as well as networking and collaborative opportunities with my amazing European colleagues. Those meetings always provides opportunities to force new collaborations with researchers and clinicians from other institutions, leading to innovative research projects and new treatments."
"The EHS conferences have opened up so many doors for patient representatives like me with both surgeons and industry. By attending these events and being able to see and interact with people in person the conferences are an excellent opportunity for all with common goals to come together, share ideas and learn from each other in a friendly and relaxed environment. The knowledge and understanding I take away from conference, not just from lectures but from talking to the different industries allows me to continue to help patients on their hernia journey."